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ten things about me

01. i can be pretty klutzy and often find mysterious bruises i can't remember getting.
02. my sketchbook knows more about me than anyone else. 
03. i have a very strong compulsion to colour coordinate my outfits.
04. my most prized possessions are family heirlooms because they're beautiful and sentimental - two of my favourite things.
05. i love sweets but go to the gym enough that i don't feel guilty about eating them.
06. i have the most supportive family i know.
07. i enjoy my moments of solitude so i can wind down and think.
08. i can't do one thing at a time - i multi-task with all things.
09. i've gained almost all of my patience from working in jewellery and ceramics.
10. i've learned to see the silver lining.

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