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lichen rings

as promised, i've made some new sterling silver rings. these are two that i was working on for the Queen West Art Crawl. each one is unique, because i really enjoy the hand drawing process. i'd say they're really more one of a kind because i don't have access to a scanner in the studio, so i basically draw them, glue it to the silver, and saw it out with the original drawing lost in the process.

this was right after soldering and before polishing. and for some reason i decided to paint my nails that week, which was foolish - the polish doesn't last an hour in the studio with all the filing, sanding, sawing, and polishing going on. at OCAD we used to dream about manicures...and never have the time to get them.

i sold one of the thinner rings to the mother of one of the artists in my row of exhibitors. she was so sweet. she tried it on and fell in love with it right away.

it's always great to see the reaction of the people who buy my jewellery, it's something you miss when you just get an invoice saying you sold something at one of the shops that carry your work.

i think i'll make a few more of these to put in The Devil's Workshop soon. i also really want to update my etsy shop. hopefully i'll find the time in between everything i'm juggling at the moment. 

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